Quality duck meat
To talk about “high expression” in the food sector means to speak not only to develop a great product; it also means a warranty in production processes, control, security, commitment and rigor.
Quality, food safety and the environment
From the year 2000, with the development of the White Paper on Food Safety, it has been implemented throughout the European Union a concept of integrating food safety from primary production to the placing on the food market (from farm to fork). Quality, Food Safety and the Environment Policy.
Food Safety Certification
The management of Canard, S.A. is aware that the Food Safety Management combined with high productivity, is one of the main tools to improve their competitiveness; Canard, S.A. has implemented a Food Safety Management System based on the IFS Food Standard; an international standard recognized by GFSI (Global Food Security Initiative), based on a HACCP system with good processing standards and a document management system.
Obtaining the ISF certificate indicates that Canard S.A has established appropriate processes to guarantee the safety of the products it manufactures and that it respects the specifications of its clients; that it is a reliable organisation that can ensure that it works methodically to assure the quality of the products sold.
CANARD S.A has been SAE certified since 04/19/2016, being the first foie gras company to be certified
The Audited System of Specific Self-controls (SAE) was created with the publication and entry into force of Royal Decree 993/2014, of 28 November. In this, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food obliges companies to implement a self-control system for the export of food of animal origin to third countries that demand different requirements to those of the European Union regulations. In addition, this system must be certified by an accredited Independent Control Body.
The SAE certificate guarantees that exports of food of animal origin destined for human consumption are examined and comply with all the requirements demanded by each country. Therefore, the certificate guarantees that all export procedures are properly followed.
Tierra de Sabor
The Agricultural Technological Institute of Castilla and León has granted the company Canard, S.A. the use of the certification mark “TIERRA DE SABOR ” by linking the manufactured products with the territory of Castilla and Leon and the differential characteristics presented compared to other products in its category.
Canard, S.A, a founding member
Our company is a founding member of ASEHGRA, one of the organizations representing companies in the production, processing and marketing of web-footed fats (duck and goose for foie gras), in turn, is part of the Spanish Agrifood Interprofessional Association, INTERPALM.
Premio “Tomas Pascual Sanz” award
Canard, S.A. was awarded the “Tomás Pascual Sanz” Prize, granted by the Government of Castilla y León Region, which is aimed at rewarding the processing industry of agricultural products incorporate a new production process or to improve existing in Castilla y León, and thereby obtain quality products or differentiated on the market.
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